    - shifting attention from thinking (talking) to feeling (listening) the whole body
    - becoming aware of the subconscious mind (the Crew)


  • Make sure none of the joints are locked and that there is no posting, leaning or bracing in the structure. Open the joints up down to the ground as if you are preparing for a jump.

    When seated, make sure there is no drop of ‘dead weight’ due to leaning/posting on your bones. Try to sit on the front of the seating bones and on the thigh (femur) bones. Balance the head (top pole) on top of the seating bones and thigh bones.

  • Feel the feet, feel the top of the head, feel the center in between.

  • Feel how the skin touches your clothes, the air around you and how the hairs interact with the air. Feel how the perception of the edge of your skin becomes translucent. The skin is porous and airy. It belongs to the state of matter gas.

  • Feel the muscles, organs, tendons, veins, arteries, lymphatic fluids, cerebrospinal fluids and the fascia. Feel how the muscles hang inside the skin, around the bones. Feel the heavier, denser quality than previously with the skin. This belongs to the state of matter liquid.

  • Feel beyond the muscle into the space underneath. However it may seem a strange idea to feel the bones, give it some time and you can judge whether you feel something different you didn’t feel before :) This belongs to the state of matter solid.


  • You will notice that the internal monolog demands less of your attention. It is toned down and you feel calmer.


- balance is stillness
- calibrate balance to gravity


  • Hold the head and feet still in vertical alignment. When the head is above the feet, you will feel a ‘substantial lightness’ in the head.

  • Hold the Center still in between the two poles. Now you hold 3 points in stillness right above each other.

  • Maintain the stillness in the 3 points. If you need a sensitization, you can imagine three large tea cups in the three points and you try to keep the tea inside the cups still.


  • You will experience a sense of stillness throughout the body (and mind). This is directly connected to the quality of your balance. You may realize you have never experienced this ‘place’ before. Up till now you have been revolving along with the world, now it seems the world is revolving around your stillpoint. It may feel a little odd in the beginning, as you may realise your mind has never truly been still in one place before.

  • Your perception of body weight will change once you are balanced and still. The weight is equally distributed and vertically organised. You can experience a sense of weightlessness and inflation or swelling. Imagine balancing a broom stick on the open palm of your hand. When the stick is perfectly vertical, its weight seems to disappear. When it tilts, even ever so slightly, the pressure of the weight on your hand increases fast. Image ‘standing like a stake’.

3. MOVEMENT - change, transform, flow, relax, loosen, open & unlock

- instantly drop and systematically lower resistance while maintaining stillness


  • While maintaining the stillness and not allowing the body to move at all, completely let go of any form of holding, contraction, closing or fixation, instantaneously.

    The first time you fully Relax without moving the body, all the tension drops with gravity at once. After that, you will need to continuously repeat the same act of loosening to maintain this Neutral Quality by maintaining this never ending ‘Current’.

  • The Drop
    Imagine standing on the edge of a tall cliff. Hold out a 10 pound rock over the edge with a straight arm. Now drop the rock, and pay special attention to what happens inside your own body at the very moment you release the rock. This exact same mechanism, this drop of tension, can be repeated over and over again, without holding an external ball. This can be done to the tensions inside your own body, getting to deeper levels over time and this ‘opening’ can be renewed every present moment, as we tend to ‘close’ in response to the ever changing present moment.

    The Elevator
    Imagine standing in an elevator about to go up. As it begins to ascend, you notice it is much faster than a normal elevator. Feel how you are gently pressed onto the floor of the elevator, with Gravity reaching up your body, pulling down. While both these scenarios engage the exact opposite direction of the sensation of relaxation, they activate the same body reflex. Try to feel this state of complete surrender from either or both scenarios while still and suspended in space.

    The Fall
    Imagine that you are standing on a 4 meters or so high cliff, with your toes curled over the edge about to jump into the water. Make the jump and pay attention to how you feel when you are mid air. There is a letting go of a base tension or holding, a feeling of surrender to what is happening. This scenario is the exact opposite of when you are in an elevator going up.


  • Flow is the physical presence of the mind in the body. Flow is fluid. When you focus on the right index finger and feel it, your mind ‘arrives’ and you feel subtle sensations that you didn’t feel before, when you were not focusing on your hand. Yet your hand was always attached to you and fully functional, once you focus on the hand something changes. It is this subtle presence of the mind in the body that we grow and cultivate with the Inward Method. When you relax without losing the stillness of the balance in the center, the released motion can express and transform. The next layer of tension then becomes available for release. This process turns into a Flow. A constant presence of mental awareness inside the stillness of the body.

  • Once the complete abolishment of holding is done correctly as described above, one feels instantly pain free, or in severe cases at least a significant drop in pain levels.



- configuration in harmony with the atmosphere, the ground and gravity


  • Now that we have configured our system in a neutral harmony with gravity, we have created a repeatable starting point. Now the challenge is to maintain this configuration in life and change. To do this, to put the stillness in motion, we need to do only that which allows us to remain in this state of ‘non-doing’. We must neutralise any reflex we might have, that could disrupt our configuration. This process leads to health, balance and fortress in body, emotion and mind.


  • You will notice a much greater mental flexibility. Things will not weigh on you as heavy, you put everything in perspective and you will gradually lose fear of death. You start embodying the realisation that the only constant is change, and that all is impermanent. Spending time in the Neutral state can also dramatically improve general health.

  • You have now configured your center of balance and center of mass in the most efficient way in relation to Gravity. This makes your entire being more efficient at everything it does. This means physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Physically it will make you exceptionally strong and resilient. Emotionally it will make you balanced. And mentally it will make you calm and sharp.

  • Once successfully implementing the Inward Formula, they naturally begin to inform your practice(s). As you implement and maintain Neutral, the quality of your yoga, breath work, prayer, meditation and martial arts substantially increases immediately.